The evolving landscape of the global potato industry: Trends, challenges and innovations in 2023 (2024)

This article was created and published by Lukie Pieterse, Editor / Publisher of Potato News Today

The potato industry in 2023 has been a landscape of innovation and adaptation as stakeholders across the globe respond to a wide array of trends and pressures. From the encroaching effects of climate change to technological advancements sweeping through the fields and supply chains, the industry has been shaped by the interplay of environmental, technological, and market dynamics. These factors have ushered in both challenges and progress for potato growers, processors, and retailers, driving change and shaping the future of the industry.

In this article, we will explore the key trends and developments that have defined the potato industry in 2023. The information we present here is based on news stories that were highlighted in the Trends section of the Potato News Today website.

We will delve into the impact of climate change on potato cultivation, examining how unpredictable weather patterns and hostile growing conditions have posed challenges for farmers worldwide. We will also explore the technological innovations that have revolutionized the industry, from precision agriculture and robotics to blockchain and gene editing. Additionally, we will discuss the shifts in consumer preferences and dietary habits that have influenced the types of potatoes grown and the products made from them.

Furthermore, we will delve into global potato production insights, examining regional variations, growth projections, and the factors shaping production trends. We will also explore advancements in pest management strategies, highlighting the innovative solutions and sustainable approaches that have emerged to protect potato crops.

Lastly, we will discuss the challenges facing the potato market, including supply chain dynamics, market fluctuations, and competitive pressures, and explore the strategies being employed to navigate these challenges.

The potato industry in 2023 is a tapestry of intersecting threads, with climate change, technological advancements, consumer preferences, sustainability, and market dynamics shaping its trajectory. By understanding and embracing these trends, stakeholders in the potato industry are reimagining the future, poised to face the demands of an ever-changing world with resilience and innovation.

The Impact of Climate Change on Potato Cultivation

The potato industry in 2023 has been significantly affected by climate change, leading to unpredictable weather patterns and increasingly hostile growing conditions. These changes have posed challenges for potato growers worldwide, impacting yield and quality. Farmers contended with droughts, heatwaves, flooding in some regions, and unseasonal rains in others. We list a few examples below.

A study involving 553 farmers across 22 European countries, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 program, reveals climate change’s impact on potato farming. Drought and heat, resulting from global warming, could cause potato yields to decrease by 18-32% by 2069. Current farming strategies aren’t sufficient, and effective adaptive methods could halve losses. The research highlights the need for improved potato varieties, better knowledge exchange, and a wider use of climate-resilient strategies.

Also in Europe, a study funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 program highlighted the vulnerability of potato crops to climate shifts, with extreme weather events drastically reducing yields. The study also emphasized the importance of proactive adaptation measures to mitigate these losses.

One potential avenue for adaptation is the use of CO2 fertilization, which has the potential to enhance potato growth. However, the benefits of CO2 fertilization are limited and do not fully offset the negative impacts of rising temperatures and water stress. The study revealed that regions in northern Europe may benefit from longer growing seasons, while southern regions may face increased reliance on irrigation, leading to potential water scarcity issues.

The EU study also highlighted the need for affordable and accessible solutions, as many farmers lack irrigation systems. Farmers have shown awareness of climate change’s effects and have started favoring potato varieties that exhibit resilience to harsh weather conditions, such as heat tolerance and disease resistance. However, there is a disconnect between breeders and farmers, with limited information transfer regarding breeding programs and the availability of stress-resistant varieties.

Ukraine’s potato industry was (and still is) under strain due to a combination of erratic weather and geopolitical conflict, according to the Vice-President of the Ukrainian Potato Growers Association. A wet spring and dry summer have led to delayed planting and lower yields in the country.

Due to poor weather and devastating floods, there has been a significant reduction in potato supplies in Britain in the later part of 2023, leading to a substantial increase in prices. The spot price of potatoes in November was reportedly at least double the usual rate for that time of year.

The 2023 potato harvest in Ireland faced severe challenges due to heavy rains and waterlogged fields. The IFA issued several reports on a challenging year with delayed planting and rotted crops in many parts of Ireland.

In Bolivia’s high-altitude Potosí region in Latin America, erratic weather and climate changes threatened the staple potato crop, essential for local families. A “heat dome” raised temperatures to 45°C, causing Bolivia’s highest ever recorded winter temperature.

A Canadian-led team has developed a comprehensive genetic roadmap of the potato to enhance its resilience to climate change. The study, led by McGill University’s Martina Strömvik, created a super-pangenome of the potato, identifying genetic variations that could be used to breed hybrid, climate-resilient varieties. The research could help develop potato varieties resistant to extreme weather and diseases, using CRISPR gene-editing technology.

In 2023, potato growers across various continents on the planet faced significant climate challenges, a widespread issue affecting numerous potato-producing countries worldwide. The extent of these challenges is too vast to detail each instance and country specifically in this brief summary.

Technological Innovations

Advancements in sustainable and regenerative agriculture in the potato industry demonstrate a profound shift in how food is produced. By investing in soil health, water conservation, biodiversity, and waste reduction, potato farmers are laying the groundwork for an agricultural system capable of enduring and thriving amidst the challenges of the 21st century. The implications for stakeholders are vast, signaling a need for continued innovation, investment in sustainability, and a commitment to environmental and social responsibility throughout the industry.

The agricultural sector has experienced a digital revolution of sort in 2023, and the potato industry is no exception. Innovative technologies are reshaping the entire supply chain, from cultivation and harvesting to processing and distribution. As such, a closer examination of the latest technological trends highlights the shift towards a more efficient, sustainable, and productive agribusiness landscape for potato production.

Precision Agriculture:

Precision agriculture technology is at the forefront of these innovations. Utilizing GPS, remote sensing, and IoT (Internet of Things) devices, farmers can now monitor crop health, soil conditions, and micro-climates to make informed decisions on potato cultivation. Drones equipped with advanced imaging capabilities map the field at a granular level to detect pest infestations, nutrient deficiencies, or water stress. This level of detail enables targeted interventions, ensuring resources are used optimally. Potato growers who employ precision agriculture can achieve higher yields and improved quality while minimizing environmental impact.

Smart Farming Solutions:

Smart farming solutions integrate data from various sources, including satellite images, weather stations, and in-field sensors. AI (Artificial Intelligence)-powered platforms process this data to provide actionable insights, allowing for predictive analytics in crop management. For example, platforms like Climate FieldView and Granular offer farmers a dashboard view of their entire operation, enabling strategic planning and real-time decision-making. In the potato industry, this can translate to better scheduling of planting and harvesting times, enhancing product consistency and marketability.

Autonomous Machinery:

The advent of autonomous machinery is revolutionizing field operations. Self-driving tractors and harvesters equipped with sophisticated algorithms can work around the clock, reducing the need for manual labor and helping to overcome labor shortages. Companies like John Deere and AGCO are pushing the boundaries with equipment that can perform tasks such as planting, fertilizing, and harvesting potatoes with minimal human intervention. This not only boosts productivity but also improves the precision of fieldwork, reducing waste and lowering the carbon footprint of potato cultivation. Keep an eye on the potato farm next to yours – you might soon see one of these operating there…

Robotics and Automation in Processing:

Within the processing sector, robotics and automation have become game-changers. Robotics systems enhance efficiency by performing tasks such as sorting, peeling, and packaging at high speeds with consistent quality. In sorting facilities, optical sorters use cameras and machine learning algorithms to identify and remove potatoes with defects or irregularities, ensuring only the best-quality potatoes reach the consumer. Moreover, automation in processing lines reduces the potential for contamination, contributing to food safety.

Blockchain for Traceability:

Blockchain technology provides an immutable ledger for tracking the potato supply chain. It offers a level of traceability that was previously unattainable, creating a transparent record from farm to fork. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the origins of their food, and blockchain enables them to verify the sustainability and safety of the potato products they purchase. For producers and retailers, blockchain can also simplify supply chain management and improve responsiveness to market recalls or quality issues.

Gene Editing and Crop Improvement:

On the frontier of biotechnology, CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing is becoming a critical tool for the development of improved potato varieties. This technique allows for precise alterations in the plant’s DNA to enhance desired traits such as disease resistance, nutrient content, or shelf life. Such advancements could significantly reduce losses due to pests or spoilage, ensuring a steady supply of potatoes despite the growing challenges posed by climate change and a burgeoning global population.

Variable Rate Technology (VRT):

VRT is a system that adjusts inputs like water, seed, and fertilizer based on the specific needs of each part of a field. For potato cultivation, VRT ensures that each plant gets the exact nutrients it needs, optimizing growth conditions and conserving resources. This is especially important for potatoes, which are sensitive to variations in soil fertility and water availability. By implementing VRT, farmers can enhance the efficiency of input use, leading to cost savings and environmental benefits.

Digital Marketplaces and Platforms:

The emergence of digital marketplaces and platforms for agricultural commodities has streamlined the buying and selling process, and this trend became more prevalent in 2023. For the potato industry, this means broader access to markets and more competitive pricing. Digital platforms connect growers with buyers directly, reducing intermediaries and improving profit margins. They also provide data analytics and market trends, which growers can use to make better-informed decisions about production and sales strategies.

Overall, the potato industry’s integration of these advanced technologies represents a commitment to embracing the fourth industrial revolution in agriculture. By doing so, potato agribusiness is positioned to overcome the historic challenges of variability and uncertainty inherent in farming, providing a more predictable and resilient food source for the global population. As these technologies continue to evolve, they will further shape the landscape of potato cultivation, processing, and distribution, ushering in a new era of efficiency and sustainability.

Advancements in Pest Management

Pest management is a critical aspect of potato cultivation, as pests can cause significant reductions in yield and quality. The potato industry has witnessed advancements in pest management strategies in 2023, including innovative solutions and sustainable approaches.

One of the most notorious pests in potato farming is the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), which can decimate crops if left uncontrolled. The beetle’s ability to rapidly develop resistance to chemical pesticides has historically made it challenging to manage. To address this concern, agricultural scientists and companies have been developing alternative solutions with varying mechanisms of action to outpace the beetle’s adaptability.

RNA interference (RNAi) technology has emerged as a promising approach in pest management. GreenLight Biosciences’ bioinsecticide Calantha is an example of such advancements. Calantha utilizes RNAi technology, which silences specific genes crucial for the beetle’s survival. This bioinsecticide is designed to be species-specific, minimizing the impact on beneficial insects and the broader ecosystem. RNAi-based products offer targeted pest control without leaving toxic residues on crops or in the soil, addressing environmental and sustainability concerns associated with broad-spectrum chemical pesticides.

Biological control agents have also played a significant role in pest management. These agents involve the use of natural predators or parasites of potato pests to keep their populations in check. Ladybirds, predatory beetles, and parasitic wasps are examples of biological control agents that have been employed as part of integrated pest management (IPM) programs. By incorporating these agents into the farming system, farmers can reduce reliance on chemical pesticides, promoting a more balanced and sustainable agricultural ecosystem.

Pheromone technology has also proven effective in monitoring and disrupting pest populations. Pheromone traps lure pests using chemicals they produce to communicate with each other. These traps serve as an early warning system, enabling farmers to implement timely and targeted interventions. By interrupting mating, pheromones help suppress future generations of pests without the use of harmful insecticides.

The development of pest-resistant potato varieties is another critical aspect of pest management. Traditional breeding methods and genetic engineering techniques have been used to produce potato cultivars that are less susceptible to pest attacks. These resistant varieties often possess traits such as thicker skins or foliage that pests find unpalatable, or they may produce compounds that are toxic to specific pests. Cultivating these varieties can significantly decrease the need for pesticide applications, leading to more sustainable farming practices.

Precision agriculture has transformed pest management by enabling more efficient and targeted use of inputs. Technologies such as GPS-guided machinery, drones, and sensors allow for the precise application of pesticides only where and when they are needed. This reduces the overall volume of pesticides used and mitigates the impact on non-pest species and the environment. Data analytics and predictive modeling have also enhanced pest control strategies by providing insights into pest behavior and lifecycle patterns.

Challenges remain in pest management, including the development of resistance to new technologies and the need for continuous research and monitoring. It is crucial to ensure that the deployment of new pest management tools does not have unintended consequences for the ecosystem or human health. Training and education for farmers in the use of these tools are equally important to maximize their effectiveness.

Advancements in pest management have provided the potato industry with innovative and sustainable solutions. These technologies, including RNAi-based products, biological control agents, pheromone technology, pest-resistant varieties, and precision agriculture, offer effective alternatives to traditional chemical-intensive approaches. By adopting these strategies, farmers can protect their crops while minimizing the impact on the environment and promoting long-term sustainability.

Shifts in Consumer Preferences and Dietary Habits

Consumer preferences and dietary habits have undergone significant shifts, influencing the potato industry and driving diversification in the marketplace. Several key trends have emerged, including a focus on health consciousness, convenience, snackification, plant-based diets, and environmental awareness.

Health consciousness has become a prominent factor in consumer decision-making, leading to increased demand for nutritious potato varieties and products. Consumers are seeking out potatoes that are fresh, free from chemical residues, and inherently more nutritious. This trend is particularly evident among millennials and Gen Z consumers, who prioritize fiber, vitamins, and minerals in their diets while avoiding products perceived as high in calories or associated with unhealthy processing methods. Potatoes with lower glycemic indexes, such as Carisma potatoes, cater to those managing blood sugar levels, including individuals with diabetes. Colorful potatoes rich in anthocyanins are also gaining popularity, as consumers associate vibrant vegetables with health benefits.

Convenience has become a driving force in consumer preferences, with the fast-paced lifestyle of many individuals leading to a rise in the consumption of processed potato products. Frozen fries, pre-seasoned wedges, and microwaveable mini-tubers are examples of convenient potato options that cater to the demand for quick and easy meal solutions. Packaging designs and marketing strategies have also evolved to align with convenience, emphasizing ease of preparation and time-saving attributes.

The trend of “snackification” has influenced the potato industry, with consumers increasingly seeking out potato-based snacks. This shift towards snackable and portable formats has led to the introduction of novel potato products such as grab-and-go potato bites and nutrient-dense chips. The snack market for potatoes encompasses both healthier options, such as baked or air-fried varieties, and indulgent, deep-fried options. The versatility of potatoes allows for a wide range of snack offerings to cater to different consumer preferences.

Plant-based diets have gained significant traction, positioning potatoes as a vital ingredient for vegan and vegetarian consumers. Potatoes serve as a foundation for numerous plant-based dishes, from main courses to dairy-free alternatives like potato-based cheeses and creams. The demand for plant-based products has risen, and companies are leveraging this trend by incorporating potatoes into innovative plant-based comfort foods.

Environmental awareness has also influenced consumer preferences in the potato industry. Consumers are increasingly seeking out sustainably grown potatoes and supporting brands that prioritize environmental responsibility. The “locavore” movement, which favors locally sourced foods to reduce carbon footprints, has led to increased interest in local potato varieties and heirloom breeds. Small-scale farmers specializing in niche potato cultivars and employing sustainable farming practices have benefited from this trend. Edible coatings that extend the shelf life of fresh potatoes and films made from renewable materials for processed potato products are gaining traction as environmentally friendly packaging options.

The influence of social media on consumer behavior cannot be overlooked. Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok have become stages for showcasing innovative potato recipes, cooking methods, and nutritional information. Producers and retailers are actively engaging with consumers on these platforms, promoting their products, and driving engagement through recipe ideas and health-related content.

Consumer preferences and dietary habits have driven significant changes in the potato industry. The focus on health consciousness, convenience, snackification, plant-based diets, and environmental awareness has shaped the types of potatoes grown, the products made from them, and the marketing strategies employed. The industry must continue to adapt and innovate to meet evolving consumer demands and preferences.

Sustainability and Regenerative Agriculture

Sustainability and regenerative agriculture have become integral aspects of the potato industry, reflecting a broader societal push towards environmental responsibility. Farmers, corporations, and governments are nowadays continuously exploring ways to minimize the environmental footprint of potato production and integrate principles of ecology and conservation into their operations. This trend became clear in the past year.

Soil health is a fundamental component of sustainability in potato production. Practices such as crop rotation and cover cropping are employed to enhance soil fertility and prevent erosion. Crop rotation involving legumes can fix atmospheric nitrogen, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. Cover crops like rye can be planted between potato growing seasons to maintain soil integrity and add organic matter. These practices improve soil health, increase water-holding capacity, and reduce dependency on synthetic fertilizers.

Integrated pest management (IPM) is another critical practice in sustainable potato production. IPM involves the use of a combination of practices, including biological control agents, advanced monitoring techniques, and pest-resistant potato varieties, to manage pests while minimizing the use of chemical pesticides. By maintaining ecological balance, farmers can reduce the impact on non-target organisms and promote a more sustainable agricultural ecosystem.

Water management is a crucial aspect of sustainability in potato cultivation. Precision irrigation systems are being developed to optimize water use by delivering the exact amount of water needed at the right time. Soil moisture sensors and weather forecasting tools enable farmers to make informed decisions and minimize water waste. Efficient water management not only conserves a valuable resource but also reduces the potential for water-related environmental issues.

Regenerative agriculture takes sustainability practices further by aiming to restore and enhance natural resources used in farming. Practices such as minimal tillage or no-till techniques decrease soil disturbance, preserve soil structure, and sequester carbon. Organic amendments like compost and manure are used to build up soil organic matter, improving soil health and water-holding capacity. Agroforestry practices, where trees are integrated into the farming system, provide habitat for beneficial wildlife, improve crop resilience, and contribute to carbon sequestration.

The concept of the circular economy has gained traction within the potato industry in 2023. Efforts are being made to minimize waste and make the most of resources. Potato processors are finding innovative uses for by-products, such as converting potato peel and waste into bioplastics, animal feed, or energy through anaerobic digestion. Sustainability certifications, such as those from Rainforest Alliance or Organic certification, have become important to producers as a means to signal their commitment to environmental stewardship to consumers.

Partnerships between potato producers, environmental organizations, and research institutions have emerged to share best practices and improve sustainable and regenerative agriculture techniques. These collaborations often result in the implementation of cutting-edge technologies designed to decrease environmental impact and enhance crop productivity.

Challenges remain in the adoption of sustainable practices, including the upfront cost of transitioning to more sustainable farming methods and the need to balance productivity with ecological considerations. However, the market forces and consumer awareness are pushing the potato industry towards a more sustainable and regenerative future. These practices are not only environmentally beneficial but also key to ensuring the long-term economic viability of the potato industry.

Challenges in the Potato Market

The potato market faces a range of challenges that impact its stability and prosperity. These challenges arise from various sources, including environmental stressors, economic pressures, and regulatory constraints, all of which influence the market’s dynamics and competitiveness.

Supply chain dynamics present one of the primary challenges in the potato market. Transport and logistics disruptions frequently occur, leading to delays in seed potato shipments. Increased border regulations or phytosanitary concerns can result in planting postponements, impacting harvest schedules and potentially causing supply gaps in the market. The logistics of moving perishable goods like potatoes involve complex refrigeration and storage requirements, which, if not properly managed, can lead to significant losses.

Market fluctuations and price volatility pose another challenge in the potato market. Factors such as unpredictable weather patterns, shifts in production costs (such as rising fertilizer prices), and variable consumer demand create an environment of uncertainty. Heavy rains, for example, can delay planting or harvesting, reducing supply and causing prices to spike. Conversely, a bumper crop may lead to oversupply, depressing prices and harming producer profitability.

The fertilizer crisis, characterized by surging prices, affects production costs for potato growers. As potatoes are nutrient-demanding crops, the increased costs of inputs like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium directly impact farmers’ bottom line. The pressure to maintain yields while managing higher input costs presents a significant financial challenge and may lead to scaling back production or raising prices, both of which can unsettle the market equilibrium.

The competitive landscape and alternative crops also pose challenges to the potato market. Farmers must constantly assess the profitability of potatoes relative to other commodities. In regions where crops like corn, soybeans, or wheat offer better returns on investment due to subsidies or market demands, farmers may opt to reduce their potato acreage in favor of these alternatives. International trade of potatoes and potato products also influences the competitive dynamics. Countries that can produce potatoes more efficiently or have favorable trade agreements may have a competitive advantage in the global market. This can put pressure on domestic producers in other countries, who must find ways to remain competitive despite potentially higher production costs or trade barriers.

Additionally, the potato industry must compete with other food sectors for consumer spending. Changes in consumer preferences, such as increased interest in low-carb diets or alternative carbohydrate sources, can influence the demand for potatoes. The industry must remain agile and responsive to these shifts, often through product innovation or marketing strategies, to maintain or grow its market share.

In response to these challenges, stakeholders in the potato market are adopting strategies to improve resilience and navigate market complexities. Investments in storage and transport solutions are being made to reduce post-harvest losses and mitigate supply chain disruptions. Contractual farming, where agreements between producers and buyers are made prior to the planting season, is being utilized to provide some financial predictability and security for growers.

Policy advocacy is also important, with the industry seeking governmental support to address trade imbalances and secure favorable trade agreements that can open up new markets for potato exports.

The potato market faces challenges related to supply chain dynamics, market fluctuations, competitive pressures, and alternative crops. Stakeholders in the industry must adopt strategies to address these challenges, including investments in storage and transport, contractual farming, and policy advocacy. Navigating these challenges is crucial to ensuring the stability and growth of the potato market.


Global potato production is diverse, with variations across regions. China remains the largest producer, but climate change, trade policies, and consumer preferences impact production trends. The industry has witnessed advancements in pest management practices and a focus on sustainability and regenerative agriculture to minimize the environmental footprint of potato production.

Sustainability and regenerative agriculture have become central considerations in the potato industry. Practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, integrated pest management, precision irrigation, and organic amendments are being adopted to enhance soil health, reduce chemical inputs, and promote biodiversity. Collaboration between stakeholders is driving innovation and knowledge sharing in sustainable and regenerative agriculture.

While the industry faces challenges such as transport disruptions, price volatility, and competition from alternative crops, stakeholders are responding by investing in storage and transport solutions, diversifying potato varieties, adopting contractual farming, and advocating for favorable trade agreements. Technological advancements offer opportunities to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and meet consumer demands.

In conclusion, the potato industry in 2023 has demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges. By embracing innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to sustainability, the industry is well-positioned to meet the demands of a growing global population while ensuring the long-term viability of this vital agricultural sector. Continued efforts in research, technology adoption, and sustainable practices will be key to the industry’s success in the future.

Author: Lukie Pieterse, Editor and Publisher of Potato News Today
Sources: Multiple sources referenced in the Trends section of Potato News Today
Photo: Credit Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Summary of key trends in the global potato industry in 2023 according to Potato News Today

Key PointsDescription
Impact of Climate Change on Potato Cultivation– Unpredictable weather patterns affecting growth.
– Farmers facing droughts, heatwaves, and unseasonal rains.
– Need for resilient cultivation strategies.
– Role and limitations of CO2 fertilization.
– Proactive adaptation to mitigate yield losses.
Technological Innovations and Consumer Perceptions– Intersection of technology and consumer preferences.
– Demand for nutritious potato varieties.
– Advancements in cultivation and processing.
– Smart farming and precision agriculture.
– Robotics, automation, and blockchain in the industry.
– Gene editing for crop improvement.
Advancements in Pest Management– Challenges of pests in farming.
– Innovative solutions for pest control.
– RNAi technology and biological control agents.
– Pheromone technology for pest monitoring.
– Pest-resistant varieties and precision agriculture.
Shifts in Consumer Preferences and Dietary Habits– Health consciousness and nutritious potatoes.
– Rise of processed potato products.
Snackification trend.
– Potatoes as a plant-based protein source.
– Environmental awareness and sustainable packaging.
– Social media’s influence on consumer behavior.
Sustainability and Regenerative Agriculture– Importance of sustainability in production.
– Soil health, crop rotation, and cover cropping.
– Integrated pest management.
– Water management and precision irrigation.
– Regenerative practices and agroforestry.
– Circular economy and waste reduction.
Technological Trends in Agribusiness– Digital revolution in the industry.
– Data-driven precision agriculture.
– Autonomous machinery and robotics.
– Blockchain for supply chain traceability.
– Gene editing for enhanced traits.
– Variable Rate Technology (VRT).
– Digital marketplaces for trade.
Challenges in the Potato Market– Supply chain dynamics and transport disruptions.
– Market fluctuations and price volatility.
– Competitive landscape and alternative crops.
– International trade barriers.
– Consumer preference shifts.
– Response strategies and policy advocacy.
The evolving landscape of the global potato industry: Trends, challenges and innovations in 2023 (2024)
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